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I am always thrilled to visit schools and share the joy I find making books with students. 
School visits can be booked through Sarah DeVore at

I offer three basic types of sessions, though we can work together to create a custom session to meet your needs.


ASSEMBLIES: If possible, I prefer them broken up into two sessions. K-2 and 3-5. (Or if your school goes through 6th grade, K-3 and 4-6.) I talk about my love and career of making books for kids. It is heavier on the illustration part, but I get into my writing process as well.  I like to finish with Q&A and a drawing demonstration.


PRESENTATIONS: These are generally classroom presentations. Sometimes 2 or 3 combined classes. Similar to assemblies I have a PowerPoint about my career, writing and illustrating books, Q&A, and a drawing demonstration, which the kids can draw along with me.


WORKSHOPS: Workshops can be illustration driven or writing driven or, my favorite, both. I prefer working with the older grades (4 and 5) with these workshops but can modify for younger kids.


Please query for fees, events not during normal school hours,

longer sessions, or custom requests.

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